Northern Territory

YES – our nationally recognised certificate is valid in the Northern Territory (RSA NT)
YES – our nationally recognised certificate is valid in the Northern Territory (RSA NT)

“A Licensee (or if a Body Corporate, its Nominee) will normally be required to have completed a Responsible Service of Alcohol course before commencing trading operations under any liquor licence.”
Information Source:
Legislation changes in the Northern Territory have made the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA NT) certificate compulsory for all hospitality employees serving alcohol at liquor licensed venues. New staff are now required to get their RSA certificate within one month of commencing their employment.
“The Commission recognises all RSA certificates issued by recognised training providers interstate and will continue to do so,”
RSA NT – Serving Alcohol responsibly in the Northern Territory.
Being qualified to serve alcohol can ensure that you are able to work in a wide range of jobs in the hospitality industry in the Northern Territory and the rest of Australia.
Information Source: