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Discovering What Type of Drinker you are

By Peter Cutforth

December 24, 2013

Alcohol, Drinking Profile, Responsible Service of Alcohol, RSA Australia, RSA Training

According to new VicHealth research which examined the state’s alcohol culture drinkers can be categorised according to their drinking habits.

The research attempted to put the states alcohol culture under the microscope to examine it in a non-judgemental way to determine why alcohol is such a central part of people’s lives.

The research is aimed at informing a new conversation about alcohol which moves beyond simply blaming individuals.

It is hoped that the project will help us to alter our attitudes towards harmful drinking and improve the health of people in the state.

The research was conducted by RMIT University with a grant from VicHealth Innovation Research. To determine your own drinking profile click on the link, it may open your eyes to your own drinking habits.  The profile helps you to track your drinking over time and see how your drinking evolves and hopefully figure out why and what motivates your drinking behaviour.

It is also useful in showing just how much you drink over periods of time which may surprise you. For example while we may be aware of how much we drink in a day, when we examine our drinking over a week or a month we may be surprised.

Take the Quiz no to find out Your Drinking Profile


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