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Only Way to Serve Alcohol Responsibly

By Peter Cutforth

November 28, 2012

Responsible Service of Alcohol, responsible service of alcohol course, RSA Training, Serve Alcohol Responsibly

RSA Training


Although we don’t like to admit it, especially when we’re having a good time, alcohol is a drug. It’s a depressant, and when it is taken in excess, it fills the body with toxins. Your body reacts as it would to any drug overdose, attempting to metabolize and get rid of the toxins.


The liver is the organ that undertakes this task of removing the alcohol from the body. That is why drinking in moderation is so important. Excess and binge drinking can cause irreparable damage to the liver, resulting in other life threatening conditions.


Normally a healthy liver removes alcohol at the rate of one standard drink per hour but not so with a damaged liver.  This willvary according to a person’s size, gender and general health.


What people often don’t remember is that it takes time for them to sober up, this is especially important before driving. Allowing customers to become intoxicated and giving them an hour to sober up is not an effective strategy. Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, and other physiological factors people may still have alcohol in their systems the next morning.


The old wive’s tales do not work, like taking a cold shower or drinking black coffee etc. Servers of alcohol should understand that these beliefs are false. Once drunk, only time will allow a person to recover as the alcohol is expelled from the system by the body’s organs.


If customers do not have the time to allow this process to occur, they need to pace themselves, rather than drink at a rate faster than the body can break down the alcohol. You as a server have a responsibility to ensure you do not contribute to this drunken state and adhere to your RSA training.


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